From Takayasu

Created by Erika 11 years ago
Hi, Akibo-niichan! (Big Brother Akibo) When I was a school kid, I remember that I once went over to your house to play without any advance notice. You said you had to go get your hair cut, so I followed along with you. I was just going to wait for you, so I sat down in the barber chair to wait, when all of a sudden I realized that all of my hair was shaved off! I didn't know you had ordered for them to do my hair too!! I was very surprised, but even now it is the most memorable thing. When all the relatives got together for a family ceremony, you were always the leader of the boy cousins. I always thought you were so cool! I really wanted to go out for a drink with you and my brother someday. May your soul rest in peace. Takayasu == やあ、あきぼにいちゃん! 小学生の時、連絡なしで家に遊びにいったことを思い出します。 その時、あきぼにいちゃんは”散髪に行くから”ということで、ワタシはついていきました。 待っているつもりでしたが、気がつくと坊主頭!になっていました。 知らないうちにオーダーしてたんですね。 とても驚きましたが、今となっては一番印象に残っている思い出です。 あきぼにいちゃんは法事で親戚一同が集まるたびにいとこの男連中をまとめてましたね。 いつもかっこええな〜と思ってました。 ほんと、いつかいとこ同士で飲みに行きたかったよ。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 たかやす / Koh Kwibo